Charity Work is something that I have been interested in for quite some time. My interest reached a new level after discovering that many people I knew were in the Heroes Alliance. The Heroes Alliance is a nationwide non-profit organization of  volunteers who give back to the community by making super hero appearances at child-related charities and events. I had seen many wonderful photos and spoke to the charity workers about their mission and how they used their skills in costuming to brighten a childs day. They became real life heroes to children (and their families) who desperately needed hope and I wanted to become a part of it.

I wanted to get involved for many reasons. First and foremost, I know what its like for your life to suddenly change. In 1999 I went from able -bodied teenager to being in a wheelchair in a blink of an eye. One moment I was carefree and the next, I was bleeding and broken, trapped in a car. Words cannot describe how shattering it is for your life to suddenly change. You experience shock, depression, anger, exhaustion, hopelessness and a whole other truck load of emotions. And then theres your family and what they are experiencing. It is not easy. The world goes dark and during these times it is so important to let any amount of love and light in. It does make a difference. It can help you heal. I was so happy after months of being in the hospital, when I was finally taken to the art room to do a craft project. That memory stands out. That happy moment. If Superman or Wonder Woman came to visit me, I can tell you right now that would have made all the difference in the world.

When I got the process moving on creating and running a Heroes Alliance branch in Pennsylvania, the unthinkable happened. My grandmother had fallen ill. My beautiful green-eyed grandmother was always there for her family. If someone needed a place to sleep, she offered her couch. If they needed a meal, she cooked for them. She swept the sidewalk of her neighborhood and always loved telling people that God loved them. She was a good, loving woman and sadly in late 2013, I had to gather up the strength to say good-bye to her on her deathbed. That was the hardest thing I have ever done.
Emotionally and mentally I was a mess and then my body shut down. I broke out in hives that spread throughout my body and came down with a cold. I was in bed and on medication for days and yet, I did not want to stop the process on creating a Heroes Alliance branch. Although I was terribly sick, I felt my grandmothers strength with me and knew proceeding with this would be the best way to honor her memory.

My grandmother and my accident is why charity work matters to me. I know what its like for your life to change and I know what its like to lose someone you love. My grandmothers kindness and generosity inspired me to help others like she once did.

I cant speak highly enough about the Heroes Alliance organization. It truly is a beautiful concept to give back and an added bonus that we are dressed as super heroes. Everyone has a big heart and they are just as passionate as you are to make the world a better place. We are making a difference and spreading love, support and positivity.  And everyone within the organization supports one another in their mission 110% all throughout the United States. We all have a story on why super hero charity work means so much to us. Now you know mine.

Dedicated to Virginia
I love you



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