The Awesomecon 2014 show took place April 18th-20th at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Guests in attendance included Doctor Who actress Billie Piper, Lord of the Rings Star Sean Astin, The Walking Deads Danai Gurira, Once Upon A Time star  Raphael Sbarge and many more. Comic guests included the legendary George Perez, Dan Parent and Jamal Igle. For a complete guest list, please check out the Awesomecon official website. The show offered exclusives such as t-shirts and exclusive issues of My Little Pony, Skullkickers, and Monster & Madman. Photo Ops with celebrities were offered as well as plenty of panels and an official after party Saturday night.

My photographer (Brian Green of Green House Photography) and I attended the show Saturday and Sunday. After arriving at the nations capital in the mid afternoon, we checked into our hotel. We were booked for a Superman/Lois Lane photo shoot so I immediately changed and we headed to the lobby to meet our Superman (who bears a strong resemblance to Christopher Reeves). We walked to a small courtyard in the back of the hotel where we conducted our shoot and the images came out stunning. After the session was over, we made our way back to our room where I changed into Ariel (Kiss the Girl variant) and headed to the convention center. After picking up our passes, we made our way to the convention floor with a group of friends.

The crowds were massive on Saturday. There was a large number of impressive cosplayers portraying everything from Comics, Disney, Video Games and Anime. Many vendors were there and the celebrity signing areas were located in the back. Artist Alley (my favorite area of any con) featured many talented artists with beautiful artwork. During Saturdays show, we squeezed in an Ariel/Ursula photo shoot. We ended the day with a group dinner where George Perez joined us.

On Easter Sunday I dressed as the Disney version of Snow White. We attended a church service performed by Fans for Christ in one of the panel rooms with our friend Cosplay Jesus. After the service, we went to the con and immediately noticed a difference in the crowd. Whereas Saturday was wall to wall people, Sunday was very laid back and had less attendance, most likely due to the Easter holiday. I met up with my friend Jacky of Evil Queen Cosplay who was dressed as the Once Upon A Time version of Snow White (yes, we
planned it that way).  We went to say hello to actor Raphael Sbarge who gushed over our costumes and asked to take a photo with us. After some shopping and conversing with friends, we did a joint Snow White photo shoot before saying goodbye and making the long drive back home.

This was the first time I cosplayed Disney Princesses all weekend at a show and I absolutely loved it. The reaction from kids and adults was wonderful and princess costumes are much more comfortable than super hero gear. I think in the future I am going to be leaning towards more characters from the fairy tale world.

I was very impressed with the Awesomecon Show. For an event that was only in its second year, it was well organized and had plenty to offer in terms of shopping, exclusives, comic talent and celebrity actors. Now there has been some complaints regarding ticket lines and Saturdays crowds. First I want to address the Saturday crowds at Awesomecon. Based on observation and my 11 years experience going to conventions all around the country, I know and am always fully prepared for Saturday crowds at any show. Thats con life and thats the way its been for several years. Its never going to change. In fact, now that comics and geek culture are mainstream, you can expect more people to be in attendance. I find that the people who complain about crowds are the ones who are new to conventions and who quite frankly, dont know any better. I feel that it is unfair criticism in Awesomecons case.

In regards to ticket line complaints, that is something that I did not experience but I am happy to report that the president of Awesomecon released a statement via their official website and Facebook Page addressing fan concerns. This move is to be applauded; whereas most cons just shrug off their fans, Awesomecon is reaching out and is striving to make next years show even better. The statement can be read HERE.

Next years show will be taking place May 29th-31st, 2015 and I look forward to returning. My thanks to everyone at the Awesomecon convention for a great show.

Please be sure to check out images from official shoots on Green House Photographys Awesomecon 2014 Folder.  For my complete gallery, check out my folder on my Official Facebook Page.

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