How To Get Referrals For Adfly Fast
Hello again , today we will be learning how to get referrals for adfly real but real fast... I just hope you guys will enjoy this.
AND you guys know i hate writing alot so this is why i always jump on conclusion real fast also lol , but that is better than sitting here and wasting your time , dont you think?
So , what will i need to get referrals for adfly fast?
Only a COMPUTER!! and if you havent sign up yet , singup HERE to get an adfly account FAST! also it is very important for you to follow instruction. I dont want to hear you say this dont work and the only reason why dont work is because you didnt put it to work.!
You need to signup and create a free website HERE and you will create a splashpage that is SO SO simple that anybody could do it even my grandma HAHA on that page you will show them your proof of payments , proof of referrals and put some words for them.. Be creative ill give you an example here


After you make the splashpage this is what it will be looking for... (KEEP IN MIND I WILL UPGRADE THAT PICTURE AFTER THIS POST!!)

The point here is... Y ou want them to CLICK on that "CLICK HERE" banner and redirect them to your adfly but you have to create a blog and explain how you are making tons of money with adfly or if you not making money feel free to use my proofs but give me credit ( you dont want to get in trouble) but this works like a charm.
You saw the before and after there is no way this wont work, the thing is you will receive FREE TRAFFIC from this website , just click and SIGNUP now!!