So Many Scams -- So Little Time!

12:04 PM
Owls Head Maine
Question from a subscriber: 

Im frustrated.  Ive spent a small fortune on every conceivable home business opportunity and online money making deal. 90% of them are a joke! Most Internet marketers are nothing more than shills and hucksters. I value your opinion and insight...and every time youve recommended something its been valuable. Is anything legitimate these days?

Dear Friend:

Wow.....I enjoyed your email! If you apply this attitude to business youll make a fortune!

But first I need to defend my fellow hucksters and business opportunity salesmen.

Im serious.

Yes......there are cons, shills, crooks and everything in between in the world today. I could devote a dozen books to all of the crooks Ive met in my life and in business.

Ironically, it was one such con artist where I had the most fun in business. I was young entrepreneur but I couldnt believe how resourceful this guy was. In one business venture this guy started offering handguns as premiums! And it worked! The stupid phone rang off the hook for
two weeks straight.

Anyway, the problem is not finding legitimate business opportunities or money making ventures.

You could STOP ordering books, courses, tapes, DVDs, special reports, newsletters, conferences, eBooks, webinars and everything in between today, and you would have all of the information you need to run a profitable business and make money.

Im not kidding.

You need to stop looking for "the secret" formula. The "secret" formula does not exist. There is NOTHING new under the sun.

What you need to acquire is wisdom and understanding.

95% of what you buy from someone else will not impart wisdom and understanding. This is a BIG lesson to learn.

I encourage people to look for the "essence" of a business opportunity or money making venture.

The "essence" is what you really need to make a business go.

And ironically...."essence" is the one thing which is not available when you buy or start a business.

Now...this doesnt mean people cant or wont help you.

This blog is a good example. Im not charging a nickel for this wisdom. Im also willing to help almost anyone who has PROVEN they have a passion to learn.

But when you order information products, books, courses and the rest......look for the "essence".

When you understand the "essence" of a business or money making formula, and YOU APPLY this will gain wisdom.

Its a big deal.....and this is 100% true and accurate.

I hope that helps!!

I look forward to hearing from you.


Marc Charles
Fellow Huckster

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