Adfly Bot 2014 Download - READ MORE!

If you think i am giving away a BOT for ADFLY you are WRONG!!!!! 

I made this simple post because you guys need to understand one thing , okay so what is the thing that you need to understand? 

Well , adfly dont like BOTS ! so why would you download an adfly bot and risking your account, i have over 200 referrals , and make about $30 to $80  a day for me to even risk my account. Now why would someone do this??
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Well , the reason is i wouldnt even trust these bot because a programmer made this and he can easily put his adfly number and get also comission from your clicks , also adfly will find out that you are using a BOT and they will cancel your account. 

Now imagine you working hard for adfly and they canceling your account , that is what i call DUMB ! so for those people who asked me for this BOT 

Let me tell you , i do not have it and i do not want it because i make this money with adfly and i did it working hard and just doing all the tips and tricks i have on this blog!!! so think about it before you going to mess up your account , if you think adfly wont find out you are wrong they will find out easily.

Because adfly has a system that they track all the clicks and they also have a system to see if people are using bots or even cheating. So why cheat? Honestly just do this right and i know and guarantee you will make money here.

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