Adfly Trick For 2015 (SECRET THAT NO ONE KNOW)

I am NOT going to tell you like everyone else out there is saying... "Oh download a bot and auto click " that is CHEATING! adfly can banned your account and i have been making good amount of money with adfly to take that risk. 

So , i am here to tell you a trick that ive tried and yes it did work! PRETTY GOOD ALSO! 

Now let me tell you that for this trick you will need.

  • Youtube Account
  • Computer/Laptop
  • Patience
  • At least 3 hours of your time

That is all i am asking you for so this can actually work pretty good. , now let get started.

1. Get a
youtube account , if you want to start from 0 you should just get a new account but remember you going to have to verify it and stuff. (Make it LEGAL!) all legal.

2.  Go to THIS SITE CLICK HERE and you will see that there is new phones each time a new phone comes up you will see it there. 

3. You going to get videos that will show reviews or even the looks of the phone and you will download the youtube video HERE and you will upload the youtube video to your channel

On the description you will put something like IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE FULL PHONE AND UNBOXING VIDEO PLEASE CLICK HERE <<< there you will put the page of the phones that i just gave you and (you are not lying, that website they always have the unboxing and reviews because they have connectiong with tmobile,verizon,atnt etc. 

So this trick does work , you just have to put yourself to work and it does work i did it and i keep making MONEY ! 

I LOVE ADFLY!!! been doing it since 2013 and i can happily say that you do make money if you put work and effort.! 

DO NOT CHEAT!!!! dont believe those who say download this auto clicker and you will make more money with adfly blablaahh.. DONT DO IT!!


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