I decided to go with a Couture version and not her traditional look because it was more cost effective. I drew inspiration not only from Angelinas appearance but from a Designer Maleficent doll released by Disney a few years ago. I began work on this costume and finished it the week the film was released. As fate would have it, I ended up doing a photo shoot in it on May 29th, which was the day I attended an early screening (the film was released on May 30, 2014 however my local theater was having a showing on the 29th at 7pm).
Horns: I made two pairs of horns prior to the final ones before getting it right. These were made using a head band, two dixie cups, wire, aluminum foil, duct tape, black ribbon and hot glue.
Wig: I am very fortunate that there is a local wig shop with lace front wigs available at affordable prices. This was something that I pulled out of my cosplay closet. I had purchased it two years ago for a Celebrity Cosplay Group at Dragoncon where coincidentally, I was Angelina Jolie.
Gloves: These were pre-made gloves that I altered. I cut the hand area off completely, sewed it up then sewed on a lace trim.
Jewelry: I was a bit stumped when it came to
accessories. I knew I needed something to complement the dress but I wasnt sure what. Hot Topic to the rescue! I found some official movie merchandise there and selected this ring and crystal necklace with a black feather.


Staff and Dress: The dress is something that has been in my closet for quite a while now. It is from a department store. I made the staff. I purchased the wood at Home Depot and spray painted it gold. I also spray painted some plastic leaves gold as well. I purchased the clear ball from the craft store. I glued the leaves on using hot glue and attached the ball to a piece of craft foam and glued it to the top of the staff. I dont recommend this however, being that the ball has fallen off.

Makeup and Contacts: Kandee Johnson uploaded an amazing Maleficent makeup tutorial on her You Tube channel and I highly recommend it. Brace yourself however; putting on this face takes a lot of work! Beauty Tip: I used the official Maleficent lipstick by MAC. My contact lenses are from Pinky Paradise.
Makeup Tutorial

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