On Wednesday, August 7th, Bat in the Sun productions released their highly anticipated fan film, Wolverine VS Predator. I had a chance to talk to the films star, Jonathan Carroll who plays the role of Wolverine. Jonathan talked about filming the intense fight scenes, filming on location in California, how he landed the part and more!

Victoria: How did you land in role of Wolverine in Wolverine VS Predator?

Jonathan: I was actually offered the role of Wolverine by Aaron Schoenke, director of Bat in the Sun productions, and referred by a friend of mine. Theyd both seen my 90s production of the character and with the amazing cowl sculpt by Reevz FX. They contacted me asking if Id be interested. I honestly couldnt say yes fast enough!

Victoria: You are in fact a professional fitness trainer and in insane shape. Did you change your workout or diet to prep for the role?

Jonathan: Theres an old adage about spandex and cameras... Theyre both unforgiving. haha! When I received the shoot schedule, I almost immediately changed my training and diet, adding more endurance and stretching to my routine in order to be able to preform some of the stunts youll see, without getting hurt. The diet wasnt too bad, however. Im used to a harsher diet, so when I heard, "stay big, but get as ripped as possible" I knew that I had to eat really lean, but still consume enough calories to keep my muscles from shrinking.

Victoria: Your costume is better than anything Ive seen onscreen for Logan. Can you tell me about the construction of the costume?

Jonathan: The costume design was all produced by Bat in the Sun with a Reevz FX cowl and belt buckle. The lead tech for Bat in the Sun, Sean Schoenke is a genius when it comes to making a costume, repairing things that I managed to destroy during production (sorry Sean!!!). The costume was really comfortable, until I was at hour 14 in 45 degree water... then it offered very little to no help with heat. haha!

-webkit-composition-frame-color: rgba(77, 128, 180, 0.230469); -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(26, 26, 26, 0.296875);">How long did filming take?
Jonathan: Filming took roughly 5 days, squeezing every hour of sunlight out of the day that we could, because the cast and crew wanted to deliver the best we could.

Victoria: What location was the movie filmed at?

Jonathan: We filmed at three locations, in California. The first day was a 2 mile hike, in costume, to location. The next 2 days were spent in waist deep water that seemed to get colder as the day went on, and site 3 was part of a state park... that was on fire. Luckily though, Gene, who built the predator suit, was an experienced fire fighter. He told us when he started running, we should probably follow.

Victoria: How long does it generally take to film a battle sequence/ fight scene?

Jonathan: A fight sequence can take anywhere from a few hours, if the actors are spot on, which is extremely rare, to a few days to make the hits look more intense, tighter and faster, all while keeping the actors as safe as possible.

Victoria: Will you be wearing your Wolverine costume to any upcoming conventions or events?

Jonathan: The costume used in the shoot is still in California... for the time being.

Victoria: Will there be a squeal?

Jonathan: Itd be a lot of fun! I had a blast doing it. Im very open to the idea of reprising the role.

Victoria: What other acting and costume projects do you have in store?

Jonathan: Currently, Im trying to sink my claws into several different roles, that because of lawyers and such, I cant talk about too much. But if things pan out, theres going to be some big things in store for comic book fans.
Victoria: What are your thoughts on the recent film, The Wolverine?

Jonathan: It was a fun film, and I thought they did a great job of making it enjoyable to fans and people unfamiliar with the history of the characters.

Victoria: Where can people contact you and view a portfolio of your work?

Jonathan: You can keep track of me on my like page at
my fitness page
as well as my twitter @monkeyofsteel
Be sure to follow Bat in the Sun, too, on facebook, twitter and youtube for all the upcoming Super Power Beat Downs!

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