There was a lot of controversy surrounding the 2013 Wizard World Philadelphia Comic-Con and for good reason. Complaints were made regarding the ticket prices, guest list and lack of comic talent, among other things. Before you brush this off as just an angry geek girl rant, Id like to point out that I have been attending the Wizard World Philadelphia show for the past 10 years. It was my very first convention and takes place in my home town. I attended it long before I was a cosplayer, Blogger or a professional model. I have many fond memories but in the last 5 years, the show has been decreasing in quality. I am speaking my mind and writing this open letter to the organization based on my 10 year experience and observation. I am expressing my opinion as a fan (a title that is probably best described as "former fan" these days). I certainly am not one of those cosplayers who think I know how to run a multi-million dollar organization simply because I cosplay. There is no ego here. Just an opinion based on my experience at this show and attending other shows such as the San Diego Comic-Con, New York Comic-Con, Dragoncon, The Baltimore Comic-Con and Megacon. Below are 6 major problems with the show.

Problem #1: Over Priced Tickets

The Baltimore Comic-Con 2 day weekend pass is on sale for $40.00 on their website. New York Comic-Con is charging $65 for a 3 day pass ($85 for a 4 day). The Megacon Convention is charging $60.00 for a 3 day online pass. A one day Wizard World Philadelphia was a whopping $50, $85-$95 for a three and a half day pass. The ticket price is absurd.

Problem #2: Lack of Comic Talent

While other shows feature such guests as George Perez, Gail Simone, J. Scott Campbell, Adam Hughes and many others, Wizard would rather focus on booking actors who charge for photos and autographs. Im not saying that actors should not be permitted. I like seeing Hollywood celebrities and if you have the extra cash to "meet" them, go for it. But it appears that Wizard has lost its roots. Its not about comics anymore. Its about Hollywood. At this years show, Stan Lee was the big comic draw and.....thats it.

Problem #3: Missing Publishers

It appears that even the publishing gods have abandoned Wizard. Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Top Cow, Aspen and other major publishers stopped attending the show roughly 5 years ago.

Problem #4: Zero Exclusives

There was a time where you could purchase exclusive statues, comics and toys at the Philadelphia Show. Hunting and buying exclusives makes any show more enjoyable. Now the vendors consist of items easily purchased at Toys R Us and Target for double price.

Problem #5: Denying the Press Access

This year Wizard denied press passes to Bloggers and photographers. Photographers were only allowed in if they were union. I know of 3 Bloggers, myself included, who had a good business relationship with Wizard and covered the event for several years thus giving the organization press and exposure. This year our press passes were denied. I would not have minded purchasing a full pass; if it didnt cost nearly $100 each. As a result, my photographer and I only attended Friday.

Problem #6: The Guest List Flub

Im not sure who was in charge of the online guest list but I was completely shocked to discover that two of the biggest names in cosplay were attending the show and not listed on the site. Spencer Doe and Nicole Marie have both gone viral with their Batman and Lady Bane costumes. They had a table at the show where they met fans, posed for photos and sold prints. I would not have known they were at the show if it wasnt for Facebook. How someone missed posting that two of the biggest names in cosplay, who are easily headliners,  is mind boggling.

I have to report that it was nice to see that gift bags had returned. Among other things it featured a free issue of the Walking Dead comic. The seating area had also been expanded and Artist Alley featured a large variety of local talent. Although these are steps in the right direction, it is too little, too late. There are still many things wrong with the show as seen in my list and these problems have been ongoing for the past 5 years. I have traveled and attended many shows around the country and Wizard is easily the most poorly organized national show. Unless some major changes are made for 2014, you can consider this show to be our last.

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