The Baltimore Comic-Con took place Saturday and Sunday, September 7th-8th at the Baltimore Convention Center in  Maryland. The show had an impressive guest list featuring dozens of writers, artists and other talented professionals in the comic industry. This was my first time attending the show in roughly 6 years and I was very much looking forward to it. Im happy to report that the show was easily one of the best events I have attended this year. Professionals in attendance included George Perez, Billy Tucci, Mark Waid, and David Finch. A complete list can still be viewed on the Baltimore Comic-Con website:   A large variety of vendors were also present and special events took place such as the Harvey Awards ceremony and Sundays Costume Contest. There were also many exclusives and panels headlined by top names.

My photographer and I arrived in the city on Saturday. After checking into our hotel, I changed into my dark haired variant of Supergirl and we headed to the show. There were massive crowds there enjoying the festivities. We caught up with many of our cosplay friends. We also visited our friend, artist Billy Tucci and I purchased a stunning Catwoman print from him modeled after Jennifer Van Damsel. After making our first tour of the entire convention floor, we made our way back to the hotel so I could change into Huntress. We went back to the show to resume touring the convention center. Upon speaking with some people in the lobby, former DC Comics President, writer and artist Paul Levitz introduced himself to me.

"As the creator of Huntress, I highly approve."

There is no greater honor than when a creator gives you their blessing on your portrayal of their character.

Many cosplayers
and I spent some time in the lobby posing for what seemed like an unlimited request of photos. When the show was over, we spent the evening dining out with friends. On Sunday I was doing my very first group photo shoot that I organized. The theme was the television series Once Upon A Time. The cast included Kevin Diplacido as Captain Hook, Jacky Brodhead as Regina the Evil Queen, Shemika Demouchet Berry as Maleficent, Iggy Cosplay as The Mad Hatter, Lindsay Lou as Red Riding Hood and myself as Belle. All photos were shot by my photographer at Green House Photography. I was a bit nervous organizing my first convention shoot but it turned out even better than I imagined. My friends were completely gorgeous in their roles. Our first location for the shoot was on a ship by the harbor. The second was the patio at the convention center. We were all very popular as we walked the con as a group and were often mobbed for photos.

The remainder of Sunday included stopping by to see my friend, comic legend George Perez and catching up with anyone we missed Saturday. We left about an hour before the show closed to prepare for our drive back home.

The Baltimore-Comic Con has become one of my favorite shows and we will most definitely be attending next year and future years to come. The thing I love most about the event is that it has remained true to its roots. Its about the comics. Whereas others shows are more focused on pop culture, Baltimore keeps it real. The employees were friendly, helpful and the show was organized beautifully. I have heard nothing but positive feedback from those that attended. There was also a bit of excitement in the air, as rumor spread next years show will be expanded for 3 days. We are all keeping our fingers crossed hoping 2014 will mean 3 days of comic geek heaven in Maryland.


For a full gallery of the show, visit my official Facebook Page

For a complete gallery of the Once Upon A Time shoot, visit Green House Photography

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