As many of you know, I have not been a fan of live tweeting conferences. I blogged about the issue last year (here and here) and received a lot of feedback about the posts, most of it strongly opposing my views.

Vigorous live tweeting from the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress (#ACSCC15) in Chicago is underway. Here are a couple of examples of tweets from that meeting. Twitter handles are blocked to protect the innocent (or guilty).

First, the good. Here is a nice montage showing what surgical program directors are looking for in residency applicants.

The photos are in focus and well-positioned. Anyone not in the
audience for the talk can get something useful from this tweet. My one complaint -- we do not know who the speaker is. That information may have been provided in an earlier tweet, but this retweet is the only one I saw.

Now, the bad. The slide below probably contained some valuable information. Only the live audience knows for sure.

Since I havent seen all of the live tweets from #ACSCC15, I cant say which type is prevalent.

I can only hope its the former.

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