The Baltimore Comic-Con celebrated its 14th year in the state of Maryland with its first ever three day show.  Guests in attendance included Cliff Chiang, Mark Waid, Gail Simone, Adam Hughes, George Perez and many more. Exclusive variants were available for purchase such as George Perezs Sirens #1, Big Trouble In Little China #1 and Robocop #1. Many panels took place during the course of the three day event including the topics of Cosplay and Comics. The Kids Love Comics Program included several sketch sessions and even a how to make your own cape and superhero mask. Media Guest of Honor was Star Wars actor, Peter Mayhew. The Harvey Awards which honors artists, writers, creators and publishers in the industry was held on September 6th.

A complete guest list can currently still be viewed on the Official Baltimore Comic-Con website. Taking place on September 5th-7th, the show was located in the Pratt and Howard Street Lobby which was a different area from past shows. The Costume Contest took place on Sunday and featured a grand prize of $2,000.

My photographer of Green House Photography and I arrived in Baltimore Saturday. I was originally going to attend the show as Elsa from Frozen. I was decked out in an Elsa wig, gown and makeup for the car ride to Maryland. However by the time we arrived, I decided to take everything off. Many factors contributed to my decision. First and foremost I was still exhausted from my trip to Dragoncon just one week ago. The travel to the state of Georgia, photo shoots, multiple costume changes and socializing had taken a toll and I had not yet recovered. I had also not slept well the previous evening. I wanted to attend Saturdays Baltimore show as a civilian and not have to pose for photo requests or be bothered. Apparently my plan did not work out too well. Almost immediately after hitting the convention floor in a black lace halter dress, someone called out: "Are you Victoria Cosplay?" It wasnt the first time I was stopped out of costume.

We visited friend and artist Billy Tucci. We also stopped by Adam Hughes table to get a book signed. We did some shopping. I was overjoyed to find a DC Direct Zatanna figure marked at only $40. It was quite amusing carrying the box throughout the con. People kept stopping to tell me that I looked like the doll. We took pictures of some impressive costumers. I also got to catch up with some personal friends. I had planned on attending Saturdays Prop Your Cosplay panel but was overcome with a wave of exhaustion and retired to my hotel room where I slept for several hours. Brian of Green House Photography returned to the show to take photos. In the evening we had dinner with friends.

On Sunday I had scheduled a photo shoot based on the television series Once Upon A Time and Once Upon A Time In Wonderland.  I was dressed as Regina The Evil Queen. This was my second year organizing a shoot based the show. Before the shoot, my friends
Cosplay Jesus (who was dressed as Jafar) and Kevin D Cosplay (Robin Hood) walked the convention floor and posed for photos for con goers and the photographer at the Comic Wow! booth. There was a total of six of my costuming friends and the addition of a new friend who was also dressed as Regina. Our Wonderland characters featured The Jabborwocky, Jafar and The Red Queen (Lucid Cosplay). Once characters were Robin Hood, Little John and Regina. The shoot lasted 2 hours.

After we departed, we stood in Gail Simones line so I could get my Batgirl trade signed. I got to thank her in person and expressed how well she understood Barbaras frame of mind after regaining the use of her legs. I told her a bit about my car accident and how I was once in a wheel chair.  After meeting Gail, we went to visit my friend George Perez which is always a delight. I purchased the exclusive issue of Sirens #1 which he graciously signed. After mingling a bit more with friends and a little more shopping, we decided to head back to our hotel and prepare for the car ride home.

The staff at the Baltimore Comic-Con, affectionately referred to as "minions", were very pleasant and helpful. A great deal of stress must be involved volunteering at shows and dealing with the massive crowds but you wouldnt know it from the staff. They were absolutely delightful. A large seating area was arranged on the show room floor to eat and rest up. The guest list is my favorite part of the Baltimore-Comic Con. Its one of the few shows left that celebrates all of the talented creators, writers and artists in the industry. This is why it remains a shining light amongst the over crowded and pricey  pop culture cons that have taken over the scene.

Thank you Baltimore Comic-Con for putting comics and their fans first!

All photos by Green House Photography. For a full gallery of the event, CLICK HERE. Images from our Once Upon A Time photo shoot can be seen HERE. 

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