My commute to Pittsburgh was a 6 hour bus ride. I traveled there on Saturday and attended the show Sunday with Freddie Nova. Freddie debuted her Dawn cosplay and I was dressed as Catwoman. We met up with Guncat Grace of Bodhi Tree Photography and did a photo shoot outside with her and photographer Dale Simmons of Black Watch Art . After our session, we walked the convention floor. We visited George Perez at his booth, posed for photo requests and spoke to con goers. At 2pm the Costume Contest started and we were both judges along with the Pittsburgh Steel Man.

pair of Superman earrings and a Doctor Who magnet. There was a large selection of vendors and artists with a variety of merchandise. By the time we got our shopping done, the con was coming to a close and we headed out to dinner with friends.
We had a private photo shoot scheduled later that evening. The theme was Betty and Wilma from The Flintstones. We were shooting with Guncat and Jim Balent of BroadSword Comics (Jims lovely wife Holly was also on set as well as Graces lovely husband). Upon arriving at the shoot, Grace was being photographed by Jim, dressed as her Guncat character. The shoot was a complete joy. It was exciting to portray new characters. There were many laughs on set and lots of bonding with people who are 110% wonderful. I have stated before that the greatest thing you take away from conventions are the friendships that you make and this was no different. There was a lot of love and happiness and it was a great way to end the show.
On Monday, I traveled back home. Unfortunately because of a fire on the road, my bus ride was extended by an hour, making it a 7 hour ride. I highly recommend attending the Pittsburgh Comic-Con and I plan to come back next year. The show had a lot to offer in terms of shopping, events and art work. The atmosphere wasnt stressful, like most shows. It was relaxed and the staff was very friendly. Everyone from con attendees to the staff were in a joyous mood and it was a real pleasure to be there. My thanks to them for organizing a great convention. I look forward to returning next year!
For more photos of the event, visit my official Facebook Page, Victoria Cosplay

For more photos of the event, visit my official Facebook Page, Victoria Cosplay