Since her debut in All Star Comics #8 released in 1941, Wonder Woman has become the most famous and recognizable female superhero in the world. This feminist icon is a warrior princess and a United Nations Ambassador. She displays extreme intellect and compassion. Princess Diana of Themyscira has also become a part of pop culture. She has been featured on countless merchandise, toys, comics, animated movies and television shows. For some reason (and Im still scratching my head on this one), it took DC Comics 75 years to bring her to the big screen. Wonder Woman starring Gal Gadot is currently filming and slated for a 2017 release. We will get our first look at Gal as Diana in Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice, March 25, 2016.

"I want to share My first memory of dressing up like Wonder Woman was around 4 years old, in my Underoos. Even then I dressed up my outfit with a lasso and paper tiara and cuffs. That could possibly count as my first homemade cosplay. The Wonder Woman TV show was my introduction to strong super hero women and Im thankful for that role model. My love of Wonder Woman has stayed with me through the years and grown to include all of WWs various incarnations, but my true love of all things wonder will always start and end with Lynda Carter." ~Candy Keane (Visit her Official Facebook Page)

Ive been a Wonder Woman fan literally my whole life. Whats great is that both of my parents and my youngest niece are fans too. Its awesome that we can share our love for the Amazon Princess. Witnessing Wonder Woman evolve over the years in media and pop culture has been amazing. I look forward to what the future brings.
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