BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - August 6, 2014 - Kids 10 and under get in free at the Baltimore Comic-Con September 5-7, 2014 at the Baltimore Convention Center -- and show organizers are once again presenting a kid-friendly comics area, full of all-ages comics, as well as the artists and writers who make them. Creators from such companies as Archie, Scholastic, Disney, Simon & Schuster, First Second, Marvel, and DC will be on hand to sketch, say hi, and help to teach young ones about the magic of comics through mini-How-Tos through the weekend, right at the Kids Comics Pavilion! Plus, kids can take part in comic crafts, game shows, and more!
Activities in this super cool section of the show include:
* Interactive Comics Talks from some of Kids Comics top creators, such as Ben Hatke (Zita the Spacegirl), Andy Runton (Owly), Mike Maihack (Cleopatra in Space), and more!
* Design your own super hero cape and mask
* Doodle Scribble Draw! Kids Drawing Gameshow!
* Creator sketches and autographs
* Kid-Safe Star Wars Light Saber Training
* Puppet making with Chris O>Matic!
"The Baltimore Comic-Con has always been a welcoming, family-friendly show, and every year, we aim to make the Kids Love Comics Pavilion inspiring to young comic fans. Not only do we want kids to read comics, we show them how they can create their own! I wish there was an event like this when I was a kid," said Mark Mariano, creator of the Happyloo graphic novel series, and co-organizer (with John Gallagher) of the kids section. "Its so cool that I bring my own family here every year," added Gallagher.
Heres a rundown of the Kids Love Comics Pavilion Creators:
Harold Buchholz - Archie Comics archiecomics.com
Frank Cammuso - Salem Hyde, Ottos Backwards Day, Knights of the Lunch Table cammuso.com
Jamie Cosley (Saturday only) - Cody the Cavalier, Zucchini
Tyler Cosley (Saturday only) - AlakaZach, Ninja Squirrel jamiecosley.com
Franco (Appearing Saturday and Sunday) - Aw Yeah Comics!, Tiny Titans, Itty Bitty Hellboy awyeahcomics.com
Jay Fosgitt - Bodie Troll jayfosgitt.com
John Gallagher - Zoey and Ketchup, Buzzboy, Roboy Red
Katie Gallagher -Zoey and Ketchup skydogcomics.com
SL Gallant - GI JOE slgallant.com
Chris Giarrusso - G-Man, Mini-Marvels chrisgcomics.com
Jimmy Gownley - The Dumbest Idea Ever!, Amelia Rules! jimmygownley.com
Ben Hatke - Zita the Spacegirl, Julias House for Lost Creatures benhatke.com
Jason Horn - Ninjasaur ninjasaur.com
Jamal Igle - Molly Danger, Supergirl, Firestorm jamaligle.com
Lora Innes - The Dreamer thedreamercomic.com
Mike Maihack - Cleopatra in Space cowshell.com
Mark Mariano - The Other Side of Hugless Hill, Happyloo, Flabbergast mypalmark.com
Mark McKenna - Banana Tail, Star Wars, Marvel, DC markmckennaart.com Jamar Nicholas - Leon: Protector of the Playground jamarnicholas.com
Chris O>Matic - The Chris O>Matic Show! omatics.net
Chris Otto and Ben Taylor - A Dogs Life adogslifecomic.com
Dan Parent - Archie, Kevin Keller danparent.com
Andy Runton - Owly owly.com
Gregg Schigiel - Spongebob Squarepants Comics, Pix hatterentertainment.com
Jeff Schultz - Archie Comics archiecomics.com

Tickets General Admission and VIP Package tickets for Weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are now on sale! Visit www.baltimorecomiccon.com/tickets/ for more information and to purchase your advanced tickets now! In the coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found on our website, Twitter, and Facebook pages.