Cos I aim to please I am #cosfamous! Cos I am epic, I do not #cosfail! I am on the world wide web thus being an international #cosplayer all while paying for my #cosmortgage. Because we all know #cosplay is a 9 to 5, 40 hour a week job with medical insurance and a retirement plan and cos I am able to afford my #coshouse all on my own without roommates or a significant other, right? Wait, Im #cos-fused... #realjob Peeps be recognizing me in and out of #cosplay. What does that mean? It means cos Im #cosfamous (holla). Do you think I #cosplay for creativity and fandom? Do you think I am doing this to express myself? Get real. Smurf you! Uh, I mean, I should cos you out! Dont hate me cos Im #cosfamous! Have a cosy day! Disclaimer: The above article is a parody on the hashtag #cosfamous which is circulating on Twitter and other social media websites. The Confessions of a Cosplay Girl Blog feels that the hashtag #cosfamous is obnoxious and narcissistic. Why create ridiculous hashtags in the pursuit for Cosplay Fame? We all are cosplayers. We are all equal. Just be you. You are good enough without the flashy title and hashtags. I promise ;)